Supporting Loved Ones with Trauma: Tips for Families in Michigan

The likelihood that you know someone or have a family member with trauma is high. More than 70% of people worldwide have experienced a traumatic event in their lifetime (Benjet et al., 2016). There are many resources, including online therapy, that help the survivor. But what about those who love and support them? Many family members and friends of trauma survivors need support too. It is scary and overwhelming to watch someone you love suffer, and you don’t always know what to say or how to act. How do you loved ones struggling with trauma after something horrible has happened? You can't control their circumstances, but you can help them manage their stress and emotions. Continue reading this blog to learn how you can support someone with PTSD.

Tips to Support your Loved One with Trauma:

People who have experienced a traumatic event(s) need time and space to heal. It can be hard to do this when you want to "fix" things immediately or make them feel better as soon as possible. But that's not how healing works—it takes time for our bodies and minds to process what has happened. It is a journey to function normally again.

Below are some practical ways you can help your loved ones:

1.Be Patient.

Trauma can lead people to behave in ways that may not make sense to you. Your loved one might lash out or withdraw from social activities, which can be frustrating. Remember that it will take time for them to heal and adjust back into their regular routines. Be patient during this period of adjustment.

2. Validate, Validate, Validate!

Even if it wasn't their fault, your family or friend may feel like they should have done something differently or prevented the traumatic event from happening. You don't want to add any more guilt on top of what they already feel! Instead, validate their feelings and let them know it wasn't their fault, no matter what happened.

3. Empathize

It's not your place to tell someone else how they should respond in any given situation. Instead of offering advice or suggestions, listen and empathize with what they're going through. At this time in their life, they need an empathetic ear!

4. Be loving.

Man and woman hugging. The time is now to go to Trauma therapy in Detroit, michigan.

Tell them you love them and believe in them. Even if you don't understand what they're going through or how they're feeling. Letting someone know that you love them unconditionally can make all the difference during a difficult time.

5. Learn about Trauma Symptoms

By learning about the symptoms of trauma such as hypervigilance, avoidance, changes in mood, flashbacks and nightmares, you can help support your loved one. You will better understand what they are going through and you can normalize their experience.

6. Help them to Get Back on Track.

If they're having trouble sleeping or eating, help them get back on track with their regular routines. For example, you can help them make them meals or going to the grocery store with them. You could also help them make sure they pay their bills on time or keep them company at appointments or therapy sessions. Offering tangible support will help them feel cared for and loved. It also gives them some relief from the pressure of having to deal with life stressors alone!

7. Make their Life Easier.

Two girls running in nature.Start Trauma therapy in michigan

Ask your loved ones what they need from you. What would make their life easier? Are there any tasks or chores that they could delegate to you? Can you be the one who cooks dinner? Can you take care of their kids while they see a movie? Do they need someone to come over and watch TV with them? You may not always be able to provide what they need but you can aways ask! Asking lets them know you care about them and want to help as best as possible.

8. Listen.

When someone has experienced trauma, they need to be listened to without judgment or criticism. For family members, something this can be hard if you believe they made a poor choice or did something irrational that led to their trauma. No matter how “big or small” the event they experienced, allow them to feel their feelings. No matter what led to the trauma, their feelings are valid. If we want our loved ones to feel safe enough to open up about what happened, then we need to approach them with empathy and non-judgement.

9. Give them Privacy.

The last thing you can do to support a family member with trauma is to give them privacy. It's important to let them know that you care but respecting their space is also important. If they want to talk about what happened, encourage them to get counseling or talk with a trusted friend or family member.

10. Take Care of Yourself.

Woman wrapped in blanket. Start trauma therapy in Michigan now!

One of the best way to ensure that you can support others is support yourself. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating? Are you reaching out for your own support? Are you extending the same non-judgement and kindness to yourself as you are to your loved one? You cannot pour from an empty cup. Check in with yourself!

Healing from Trauma

There is not one right way to heal from trauma. Your job as a loved one is to listen to the unique needs of your friends and family. If support and healing are needed, offer your time, love, and resources. If they lack information and education on the trauma symptoms they are experiencing, then be a loving source of information. If they have their answers, let them walk their path and be a solid support system along the way. The most important thing to remember is to listen. When someone experiences trauma, they lose a sense of control. You can help give your loved one that power back by helping them take action in their recovery process. This heals trauma.

Start Trauma Therapy in Michigan

Supporting someone with trauma or PTSD can be overwhelming. Your self-care is as important as the survivors. If you want trauma therapy or counseling for yourself or a survivor in your life we are here to help! We can treat anyone in Detroit, Ann Arbor, or throughout in Michigan via online therapy. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Reach out for a free consultation with one of our trauma therapists

  2. Start online therapy in Michigan that is tailored to your needs

  3. Support your loved one today!

Treatments We Offer Through Online Therapy in Detroit & Throughout Michigan

Embodied Wellness, PLLC provides online therapy in Michigan to adults and teenagers. Our therapists are trained in EMDR, DBT, Internal Family Systems and the treatment of anxiety, depression and OCD. Servicios de terapia in Español.


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