LGBTQ Therapy 

In Detroit, Ann Arbor, and Throughout Michigan

Who You Are is Enough.

You’ve known who you are for a long time, but the thought of sharing that with others is still distressing. Or you’re just now starting to realize a new identity, and it feels overwhelming to figure out on your own. You may be feeling isolated, uncertain of your path and the way forward. You know your identity is not the problem, but the world around you can make you feel that way. Perhaps you’re looking to process difficult experiences related to being LGBTQIA+.

A Space Place for LGBTQ Counseling.

Our clinicians can offer the support you’re looking for in your journey. We can help you practice getting in touch with that inner voice, to honor your whole self. With us, you will have a safe space to explore what it is you’re feeling and what next steps feel right to you. You can come into therapy knowing our clinicians will value all the identities you hold.

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Man with sign about nonbinary child | Sign say| LGBTQ Therapy near me | lgbtq friendly therapy near me | LGBTQ Affirming therapy near me | 48103 | 48226 | 48302

What is Gender Affirming Therapy?

At our practice, we recognize that being LGBTQIA+ is not the whole story. You hold many identities, and this one may or may not be central to what brings you in. At the same time, we are mindful of how this identity can intersect with others. It can impact the kind of care you’ve received in the past, or the kind of communities you’re a part of. Being LGBTQIA+ can mean any number of things to you, and we know you are the expert on your own experience. Regardless of the importance of this identity to you, or how you define it, we welcome you with open arms.

The Embodied Wellness Approach to LGBTQ Therapy

At Embodied Wellness, PLLC we help you heal by integrating both your mind and body. Being LGBTQ+ can affect you in different ways, inside and out. It can impact how you feel about yourself and your surroundings, leading to different emotions and physical responses. Our therapists are here to support you in cultivating wellness on many levels, encouraging you to find what works best for you on your unique journey.

If you’re curious about specific treatments our clinicians specialize in, click each link below!

We’re also more than happy to answer any questions you may have in a free 15-minute phone consultation!

Respect. Dignity. Affirmation.

Starting therapy is not always an easy task. Sometimes we feel stigma around the idea of going to a mental health professional for help. People of all kinds face barriers to coming to therapy, but being LGBTQ+ can sometimes come with unique challenges. Perhaps you’re worried that your therapist will not respect or try to understand all your identities. At Embodied Wellness, PLLC we acknowledge that tolerance is not the same as acceptance, and here you will be fully accepted. Our clinicians are here to treat you as a whole person, affirming and embracing all aspects of your lived experience.

Sign saying "silence=death, say gay" | LGBTQ Therapy near me | lgbtq friendly therapy near me | LGBTQ Affirming therapy near me | 48104 | 48226 | 48301

Start LGBTQ Friendly Therapy in Detroit, MI

Step 1: Free Consultation

Click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation! You will speak with the clinical director who will learn more about you, answer any questions you have, and match you with a therapist who we think will be a great fit!

Step 2: Begin LGBTQ Therapy

At the consultation, we will schedule your first appointment. Then you will sign up for a free online portal, complete the required documents, and log on to meet your gender- affirming therapist.

Step 3: Start Feeling Better

Together with your therapist, you will come up with a treatment plan to meet your needs. This includes how often you will see your therapist, what your goals are, and the best types of therapy that will help you start feeling better.

Due to Michigan state licensing requirements, all patients must reside in Michigan at the time of service to participate in our teletherapy services.

Embodied Wellness, PLCC only offers online therapy and does not have in-person options.

We are in network with Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO and Blue Care Network plans. Otherwise, we are an out-of-network provider and can provide superbills for reimbursement from your insurance. Our private pay fees start at 170+ depending on the therapist.

Online LGBTQ Therapy Specialists in Michigan


Are you interested in reading more blogs? Check out our mental health blog for the most recently updated blog posts!

Other Therapy Services Offered in Michigan

Our passionate and caring LGBTQ therapists offer various services and specialties outside of gender-affirming therapy. This includes depression treatment, DBT therapy, Somatic therapy, and Empath therapy. Besides the methods mentioned above, we also use EMDR therapy and Internal Family Systems. All these online therapy services are available for both teenagers and adults. Nosotros tambien ofrecemos terapia en español en Detroit y otras partes de Michigan. Take your first step to a better tomorrow and visit our Detroit-based practice today!