Embodied Wellness, PLLC

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Signs Your Body is Releasing Trauma

Have you ever felt like you're dragging around a massive backpack, stuffed to the brim with scary memories and hurtful feelings? It's like lugging around a ton of bricks on your shoulders, making every step feel heavy and exhausting. That's what trauma feels like. Despite it feeling like a life sentence, it does not have to be. You don't have to haul that heavy load forever. There are ways to lighten the weight and find peace within yourself. Today, we're diving into a technique to treat trauma and other mental health symptoms called somatic therapy. Somatic therapy can help you release trauma from your body and feel a whole lot lighter.

Understanding Trauma:

First things first, let's break down what trauma means. Imagine a huge storm crashing through your life, leaving behind a trail of chaos and confusion. That's trauma for you. It could be something terrifying that happened directly to you, like a scary accident or a nasty fight. Or it could be something you witnessed or heard about that shook you to your core. Trauma has a way of making you feel like you're stuck in a nightmare. Feelings of fear, sadness, or anger feel like they are swirling around inside you. And it's not just in your head – trauma can also make your body feel all tense and jittery, like a live wire ready to snap.

Trauma is a broad term that refers to any distressing or disturbing experience that overwhelms you. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop after trauma. It involves symptoms such as intrusive memories, flashbacks, nightmares, and mood changes. While trauma is the event itself, PTSD is the emotional response to that event.

What is Somatic Therapy?

Let's get into the nitty-gritty of somatic therapy. Somatic therapy online takes a different approach to healing trauma symptoms. Somatic therapy knows that trauma is a natural and normal part of life. It does not see trauma as "bad," despite knowing how painful it feels. As humans, trauma cannot be avoided but it doesn't have to be permanent. Somatic therapy online believes that under the right conditions, the body is designed to heal from any experience. The job of a somatic therapist is to help you find those conditions so the body can do what it was born to do!

Recognizing and Expanding Resources:

Somatic therapy online is like going on a treasure hunt to find the things that make you feel strong and safe, both on the inside and out. It's like stocking up your backpack with tools to help you navigate through the scary stuff. Maybe it's your favorite stuffed animal, pet, or a warm hug from a friend. These resources act like anchors. They ground you and give you the courage to face whatever comes your way. By recognizing and expanding these resources, you build a strong foundation for healing. This foundation is necessary to release trauma from the body.

Getting Grounded:

Picture yourself standing in the middle of a wild storm, with wind and rain whipping all around you. That's what trauma can feel like – like you're being tossed around in a chaotic whirlwind. Somatic therapy online helps you find solid ground beneath your feet, even during a storm. It's like planting your feet firmly on the earth and feeling the strength and stability flow through your body. Techniques like deep breathing or gentle muscle exercises can help calm the storm raging inside you, helping you feel calm and steady. By getting grounded, you're creating a safe space within yourself where you can weather any storm that comes your way.

Restoring Balance with Somatic Therapy:

Trauma can throw your body's natural balance out of whack, like a seesaw that's stuck! Your nervous system is your body's alarm system. After a traumatic event, it can get stuck in overdrive leaving you feeling on edge, angry, or shut down. This is where the polyvagal theory comes into play! It's a fancy way of saying that your nervous system has different modes – like a car with multiple gears. When you're feeling safe and relaxed, your body is in "rest and digest" mode. This is called ventral vagal, controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system. But when you're feeling threatened or scared, your body switches into "fight or flight" mode. This is driven by the sympathetic nervous system. In extreme cases of trauma, your body can shut down into "freeze" mode, like a deer in headlights. This is called the dorsal vagal system.

Somatic therapy helps restore the natural balance in your body. The goal is to gently guide your nervous system back to its natural rhythm. It's like oiling a rusty machine, helping everything run smoothly again. Somatic therapy helps deactivate the fight, flight, or freeze energy in your body. It gives your body a chance to relax and let go of the tension that trauma has built up. It's like hitting the reset button on your body's alarm system, allowing you to feel safe and secure.

Trusting Your Body:

Trauma can make you feel like your body is a stranger like it's turned against you when you need it most. You might feel all jittery and tense for no reason, or you might try to ignore what your body is telling you because it's too scary to listen. Somatic therapy is about helping you reconnect with your body and learn to trust it again. It's about tuning in to the messages your body is sending you. Whether it's the flutter of your heart or the tightness in your chest, somatic therapy online helps you realize that your body is on your side. With somatic therapy, you can start to rebuild that trust. You will learn that your body is a wise and resilient ally in your journey towards healing.

Signs Your Body is Releasing Trauma

Recognizing signs that your body is releasing trauma is an essential aspect of healing. Here are some indicators to look out for:

  1. Improved Sleep: Trauma can disrupt sleep patterns and lead to insomnia or nightmares. As you release trauma from your body, you may find that your sleep improves. You may experience more restful sleep and fewer nightmares.

  2. Physical Sensations: You might notice physical sensations in your body. These include tingling or warmth that feels pleasant. These sensations can indicate that your body is letting go of stored stress and tension.

  3. Emotional Release: Emotional release often accompanies the release of trauma from the body. This can manifest as tears, laughter, or a sense of emotional catharsis. You may feel a weight lifting off your shoulders as you process and release pent-up emotions.

  4. Deep Breathing: As you release trauma, you may find that you naturally take deeper, more relaxed breaths. Deep breathing is a sign that your body is moving out of a state of anxiety and into a state of calm and relaxation.

  5. Muscle Relaxation: Trauma often causes muscles to tense up as part of the body's fight-or-flight response. As you release trauma, you may notice that your muscles start to relax, and you feel more loose and flexible.

  6. Increased Energy: Releasing trauma can free up energy previously tied up in coping with stress and emotional pain. The increase in energy will be gradual and not overwhelming.

  7. Reduced Hypervigilance: Trauma often keeps the nervous system in a state of hypervigilance. This means you're constantly on edge and alert for potential threats. As you release trauma, you may notice a reduction in hypervigilance. This allows you to feel more calm, grounded, and present in the moment.

  8. Increased Body Awareness: You may become more aware of your body and its sensations. This heightened awareness can help you better regulate your emotions, respond to stress, and maintain a sense of balance.

It's important to remember that the process of releasing trauma from the body is unique to each individual and unfolds gradually over time. It should not be rushed! Pay attention to subtle shifts and changes in your body and emotions. Trust in your body's innate wisdom to guide you towards healing.

Find a Trauma Therapist in Ann Arbor, MI

Trauma may feel like a heavy burden you're doomed to carry forever, but it doesn't have to be that way. With somatic therapy, you have the power to heal from trauma. By expanding your resources, grounding, restoring balance in your body, and learning to trust your body's wisdom, you can begin to release trauma from your body. If you are willing, give these techniques a try! Remember – you're stronger than you think, and you don't have to face this journey alone. Healing takes time and patience. With the right tools and support, you can overcome even the darkest storms and emerge stronger on the other side.

To begin trauma therapy or somatic therapy at Embodied Wellness, PLLC follow these steps:

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation for somatic therapy today.

  2. Make your first appointment with a trained therapist near you!

  3. Release trauma from your body

Other Online Counseling Services We Provide in Detroit & Throughout Michigan

At Embodied Wellness, PLLC we offer many evidence-based services for both adults and teenagers. We specialize in anxiety treatment, depression treatment, trauma therapy, and OCD treatment. Call today for a free 15-minute phone consultation.

About the Author:

Sarah Rollins, LMSW, SEP is the founder of Embodied Wellness, PLLC, a group therapy practice providing online therapy in Michigan. She is passionate about expanding awareness of somatic therapy as a way to treat and heal trauma. She incorporates other holistic treatments into her practice including EMDR, IFS, and attachment theory.