The Empath’s Guide to Managing Anxiety

Have you ever felt like you could sense the emotions of others around you? Maybe you're what some people call an empath! Being an empath means you have the superpower of understanding and feeling the emotions and feelings of others around you. But here's the thing: Sometimes being an empath can be a bit anxiety-producing. In this blog, we're going to explore the world of empaths and anxiety. You will learn what it means to be an empath and how it can sometimes make you feel more anxious. We will also discuss ways to cope with and reduce anxiety.

Recognizing Signs of an Empath

Have you ever wondered if you were an empath? There is not an “empath quiz” but luckily there are common signs of being an empath.

You have this innate ability to understand and feel what others are going through. It's like you have a built-in radar for emotions. You can pick up on the vibes and energies of people and animals around you. You often have a sensitive and caring nature. You can sense if someone is happy, sad, or even anxious simply by being around them. You are an emotional sponge, absorbing emotions from others. You have a big heart and a natural ability to empathize, which means you can put yourself in someone else's shoes and understand how they feel. It's a superpower that helps you connect with people on a deep level and offer them support and comfort.

Unique Challenges Faced by Empaths with Anxiety

Just as there are gifts to being an empath, it also comes with its own set of challenges. Being able to feel everything around you so intensely can become overwhelming and anxiety-producing at times! Empaths often absorb the emotions of others. This can result in becoming easily affected by negativity and stress. Sometimes, it's hard for empaths to differentiate between their own feelings and the feelings of others. As a result, it can be challenging to engage in self-care! Empaths might also struggle with setting boundaries.

Student lookin at a pile of books while seeming stressed. Looking for a way to navigate the unique challenges of empaths? Our anxiety therapists can help feel less anxious. Call today!

How Anxiety Manifests in Empaths

Anxiety can show up in different ways for empaths. Empaths can easily absorb the anxiety around them because they are very sensitive and attuned to the emotions of others. It’s sort of like they are a sponge - when someone around them is feeling anxious or stressed, empaths may start to feel the same way too. Empaths can also experience anxiety because they feel things so deeply. For example, they might worry about things that haven't even happened yet or feel overwhelmed by everyday life.

Coping Strategies for Empaths with Anxiety

Coping with anxiety is not always easy but it is possible! Here are a few effective strategies that can help empaths manage their anxiety:

Mindfulness and Grounding Techniques:

Empaths can use these techniques to stay in the present moment and connect to their own emotions. It takes practice but it is a skill to focus on yourself rather than getting caught up in other people’s chaos!

  • An example of a mindfulness technique is the "Body Scan." You can refer to Jon Kabat Zinn for a free 30-minute body scan!

  • A simple grounding technique for anxiety is the "5-4-3-2-1 exercise."

    • Look for 5 things you can see

    • Become aware of 4 things you can touch

    • Acknowledge 3 things you can hear

    • Notice 2 things you can smell

    • Find 1 thing you can taste

Woman standing in the woods with her arms out breathing in. Searching for a way to get control of your anxiety? Anxiety treatment in Detroit, MI can help you. Contact our anxiety therapists today!

Breathing for Anxiety Relief

If you have never tried breathwork it can feel scary and overwhelming at first. The great thing is that you are already breathing so you have already done the first step! Some empaths love breathing exercises and others don’t. Try a few breathing exercises for anxiety and see if any feel right for you.

  • Breathing Technique # 1- Notice your Breath:

    • Find a comfortable seat or relaxing position lying down on your back.

    • Bring your awareness to your breath without changing it.

    • If it feels okay, bring one hand to your heart and one hand to your belly. Notice the rise and fall of your chest or belly.

    • Continue breathing for 2-5 minutes and just notice your breath

  • Breathing Technique # 2- Lengthen your Exhale:

    • Begin with a natural inhale and exhale.

    • On the next inhale, breathe in for four seconds and then exhale for six seconds. If this feels too long, do your best to exhale longer than you inhale.

    • Repeat this exercise for 2-5 minutes.

  • Breathing Technique # 3- Box Breathing:

    • Step 1: Breathe in, counting to four slowly.

    • Step 2: Hold your breath for 4 seconds. Try to avoid inhaling or exhaling for 4 seconds.

    • Step 3: Slowly exhale for 4 seconds.

    • Step 4: Hold your breath for 4 seconds. Try to avoid inhaling or exhaling for 4 seconds.

    • Step 5: Repeat steps 1 to 4 until you feel less anxious and more grounded.

Journaling as a Therapeutic Tool for Empaths

Journaling can serve as a therapeutic tool for empaths that you can do at home, work, school, or on the go! Journaling offers empaths a safe space to express emotions, process experiences, and gain clarity. By writing down thoughts and feelings, empaths can gain a deeper understanding of themselves. They can also identify triggers and develop more effective coping strategies.

Sample Journaling Prompts for Empaths with Anxiety:

  • List 2-3 ways that you’re hard on yourself. How can you be more compassionate towards yourself?

  • Did you feel stressed or anxious today? If so, what led to that feeling? If you feel better, how did you overcome it? If you still feel anxious, what can you do to cope?

  • Where do you feel anxiety in my body?

  • What would your life be like if you had control over your anxiety versus your anxiety having control over you?

  • How has your anxiety helped you or been beneficial in the past? What has your anxiety taught you?

Hand holding a pen and writing in a journal. Looking into starting therapy for empaths in Michigan? Our caring therapists can assist you today!

Therapy for Empaths: Finding the Right Approach

As an empath with anxiety, finding the right therapist is important. You need to find someone who understands you, your unique strengths and struggles, and how to help you embrace your sensitivity. At Embodied Wellness, PLLC, our empath therapists in Michigan are experts in helping you develop a self-care routine, creating a calm environment, and communicating your boundaries and needs. We offer holistic therapies including EMDR, Somatic therapy, Internal Family Systems, and DBT. We also offer Teen and Adolescent counseling, depression treatment, Trauma and PTSD treatment, and OCD treatment. You no longer have to experience being an empath with anxiety alone. We are here to support you, every step of the way. Contact us at our Detroit-based practice today!


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